Bethany Curtiss has 20 years experience as a professional bodyworker and Massage Therapist.
Certified through the Center for Postural Integration in Chicago, Bethany has been a member of the American Massage Therapy Association since 1987.
She was trained in therapeutic massage at the Health Enrichment Center in Lapeer, and has worked in a variety of interdisciplinary clinics such as Chiropractic and Osteopathic centers. NCTMB.
Bethany utilizes a variety of manual therapy techniques that allow the body to heal and balance, releasing long-standing dysfunction, adaptive patterns, and secondary or referred pain patterns. Methods used include myofascial release, body mobilization, accupressure, NMT and PR work.
She also holds a Bachelor's Degree in Speech and a Master of Arts Degree in Public Affairs.
Appointments available Monday - Friday
Birmingham Bodyworks is located just east of Woodward Avenue on the north side of E. 14 Mile Road in lower level. Free parking on site.